From: Eric Muller (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 10:30:06 PST
Message-Id: <l03110700b4be23ba6158@[]> Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 10:30:06 -0800 From: Eric Muller <> Subject: Response and reaction
Hey Pinholers,
Whenever you respond to a pinhole email, don't just reply to a "digest
email" ("digest emails" have a bunch of daily emails listed together - most
of you are in digest mode). Replying directly to a "digest email" will make
the following day's "digest email" extremely long.
Only send your question or comments - don't include other mailings (i.e.
start with a blank slate).
All emails are archived by subject at
Under the subject:
If it is a new question, type a "brain farts"
If it is a response to another email type, "re: brain farts"
Thanks a bunch,
Eric Muller
Exploratorium Teacher Institute
Science Teacher on Staff
3601 Lyon St.
San Francisco, CA 94123
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