Sustainable Food

Saturday, February 26, 2011



What Is a Food Shed?

What is a "Food Shed"? Mapping Our Local and Global "Food Sheds". Cooked dish the origins of each ingredient. Show and tells of some local food maps.


Breaking Down Food Justice: Why do youth eat junk food when they know

its bad for them?"

Analyzing environmental influences of students' food decisions.



Activity handout from Modesto Tamez. Link will be available in March on the following website:

Paul Doherty's article for Exploring magazine about chemical energy in food.


The Mathematics of Nutrition: How Many Raisins Do You "Burn" When You Ascend A Set of Stairs? This links to an older draft:

Link to latest draft will be available in March on the following website:


Calories per Dollar

A look at different snack foods, comparing calories per dollar.

Food subsidy graphic from "Why Does a Big Mac Costs Less Than a Salad?"


Trophic Budget Snack (for break)

In a food chain only 10% of the energy is transferred between trophic

levels, and 90% is lost as heat. Given a certain energy budget, what

snack would you choose? Link for trophic level graphics:


Measuring Fat In Fast Food, Measuring Sugar In Sodas

Lawrence Hall of Science's "Sugar Sleuths" activity–not designed specifically for soda, but a good general introduction for children and families.


Worm Wisdom

Julie Yu's handout on worm composting. Link will be available in March on the following website:




UCSF and CA Pacific Medical Center's study "Food Access in Bayview Hunters Point" Includes maps comparing food access in Marina and Bayview Hunters Point. Link will be available in March on the following website:


"Should Humans Eat Lower on the Food Chain?"

Excerpt from textbook, Botkin and Keller's Environmental Science: Earth as a living planet (Wiley: 2003). p 166.

Link will be available in March on the following website:


Center for Urban Education About Sustainable Agriculture–whose mission is to promote sustainable agriculture through the Ferry Building Farmer's Market:


FDA explanation of food labels:


Power Play - resources kits and trainings for schools and afterschool program providers who for youth age 9-11. This targeted age group because Power Play's research indicates that youth age 9-11 start having more say in their food choices.


SF Green Schoolyard Alliance - teacher trainings and guides on how to start and foster a schoolyard gardening project


Their recently released book, How to Grow a School Garden: A Complete

Guide for Parents and Teachers:


Native Species Web

LEJ curriculum for grades 4-8 connecting local native food webs with topics like trophic level, energy transfer, and food chains.

Link will be available in March on the following website: