The Quiz
Assess you students with a question or two.

Suggested by Don Rathjen

Before entering the museum, students are given a list of 5 to 10 exhibits to visit and investigate. Students are told to really play and learn something from their interactions with each exhibit.

Students are informed that when back at school, they will be given a short quiz or test. The quiz will consist of one or two questions about the exhibits they visited. The questions will be easy, but can only be answered by a person that truly interacted with the exhibits.
They should take notes at each exhibit and the quiz will be open note.

Example of Exhibits to visit list:




Charge and Carry
Circles of Magnetism I
Eddy Currents
Electrical Fleas
Hand Battery
Magnetic Pendulums
Magnetic Suction
Motor Effect
Short Circuit
Stripped Down Motor

Magnetic Sand
Stripped Down Motor
Circles of Magnetism
Eddy Currents
Strange Attractor
Curie Point
Magnetic domains
Giant Meter

Magnetic Suction
Daisy Dyno

Blind Spot
Bubble Suspension
Disappearing Act
Peripheral Vision
Persistence of Vision
Seeing Your Retina
Bird in Cage

An example of a quiz question:

What color was the glow of the discharge in the exhibit Quiet Lightning?

Where did the magnetic sand come from in the exhibit Magnetic Sand?

If you stared at a green bird, what color would the after image of it be?

Answer: Purplish

Answer: the Beach

Answer: Magenta

To find available themes or more exhibits at the Exploratorium, visit our Exhibit Cross-reference web site.