Exploratorium Field Trip Pathways



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On this Pathway, you'll see many different kinds of magnets: iron-bar magnets, small grains of black sand that act like tiny magnets, electromagnets that are created by a current of electricity.

There's something almost magical about a magnet. A magnet creates a magnetic field that pushes and pulls through thin air, acting with a strong invisible power. Though magnetic fields are invisible, you can see their effect on iron filings, compass needles, and other magnets.

If you have any questions or problems, ask an orange-jacketed Explainer for help.

Black Sand

1. Put this sheet of paper on top of the magnet and sprinkle some black sand on it. Move the paper to different parts of the magnet. Is the pattern different in different places?
__ yes __ no


2. Put your hand on the magnet and sprinkle sand on your hand. Does the magnetic field pass through your hand? __ yes __ no


Visible Magnetic Domains

Bring the bar magnet near the disk. The south pole of the magnet pulls up on the north end of the domains, making the disk turn dark. What does the other pole of the magnet do to the disk?



Magnetic Spinner

Hold the spinner with the magnets under the table and move it until the iron filings are in a ring. Now spin the spinner.

How do the metal filings move- the same direction as your spin or the opposite direction? Do they slide around? Jump? Tumble end over end?



Magnetic Clouds 

After you drag some black sand,up from the bottom, let it go and then quickly bring the magnet down the tube to catch them as they fall past.

Draw what it looks like as the magnet catches the particles.


Now try this with both magnets.

Draw what it looks like as both magnets catch the particles.

How can you get one of the magnets to stick to the upper part of the tube without slipping down?


Magnetic Tightrope


Is there any way to get the aluminum rod to stay stuck to one of the magnets? If you can do this, draw how you did it!


Floating in Copper

What is between the two thick pieces of copper?

Can you get the object between the copper bars to float? Which is easier, to get it to float in the middle or to get it to stick to the top or the bottom?


What forces do you think are acting here?