A Performance and Installation Program at the Exploratorium

The Exploratorium, a museum of science, art, and human perception, is interested in seeking out creative proposals from curators, performers, and installation artists who have ideas about programs, performances, and workshops which explore how culture affects the ways in which we perceive the world.

The Exploratorium has, for over twenty years, been dedicated to making the world an understandable place. We have explored light and optics, biology, sound, waves and resonance, and we are now interested in including an investigation of human culture as a perceptual phenomena.

Through the medium of performance and installation work, the Exploratorium is interested in creating events which will enable us to compare and contrast fundamental ideologies and cosmologies which form the basis of culture. There are many ways to explore culture: we can explore connections between cultures, explore different cultures in detail, or examine several cultures by linking them thematically. These connections will enable people to gain an understanding of how their own particular culture fits into the fabric of this country and in the world. These events will allow us to examine, in an active and entertaining way, the historical, anthropological, and societal patterns which have created the culture as it exists today. In addition, these programs will promote the development of new ways of seeing and thinking about the relationship between nature and culture.

Artists and curators are invited to submit program ideas, appropriate background material (audio cassettes, video, slides, etc.), and a resume. Selection of the artist is based upon:

Please send ideas accompanied with resume and support materials to:

Pamela Winfrey
Director, Performance Programs
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, Ca 94123

The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco CA 94123