The Exploratorium's Center for Media and Communication is a newly formed part of the museum which will focus on the use of media to extend the Exploratorium's approach to learning to audiences both within and outside of the museum. As well as producing traditional educational products, such as books and videos, the center is interested in using whatever communication tools it can to promote the Exploratorium's special educational process to teachers, students and the general public.

To achieve this goal, the Center for Media and Communication will make use of both mass media and one-on-one forms of communication. Our aim is to create a multimedia laboratory designed to foster the development of new learning tools that combine computer, video, and audio technology. The Exploratorium library will be expanded into a media-rich information center, providing resources for the Exploratorium community as well as for the public at large. A learning studio, where visitors will be able to extend their learning through focussed exploration, will also be developed. Other future plans include public television programming, an international workshop focusing on new media for communication, and a series in which middle-school and high- school students will create media productions based on meetings with eminent scientists, educators, and artists.

To realize these ambitious goals, the Center for Media and Communication will build on the creative talents of the staff in the four departments - Editorial, Graphics, Library and Media - which currently make up the center .

Media Lab

To support the development of new media tools for learning, a media lab is under development. Combining the existing resources of photography, graphics, editorial, video, audio and computer graphics, this new lab will develop educational projects for the museum floor, the teacher's classroom, and the home environment.

Library and Learning Studio

The Exploratorium offers support for science teaching by providing a rich library of books, journals, and videos that teachers taking part in the Center for Teaching and Learning's teacher training programs may borrow even after their workshop has ended. The library also helps teachers research special topics of their interest by conducting literature searches and retrieving materials from other libraries.

In the near future the library will incorporate the development of a learning studio. This will be a semi-public space in which people may learn to use the emerging multimedia technologies to produce their own educational projects based on Exploratorium exhibits for the museum floor.


Working together with the Center for Public Exhibition, the Center for Media and Communication will use emerging interactive multimedia technologies in combination with our traditional hands-on style to develop educational exhibits and exhibitions.

Educational Publications

The Center for Media and Communication will continue the Exploratorium's efforts to develop a variety of different publications for different audiences. Past publications include:

Consumer Products

Staff members of the CMC work closely with the Exploratorium Store and marketing staff to develop products based on our exhibits that the public can take home with them. Recent examples of these products include:

In addition to working on its own projects, the Center for Media and Communication supports the other two centers of the Exploratorium, the Center for Public Exhibition and the Center for Teaching and Learning, by writing and producing exhibit graphics, catalogs, etc. and providing video, audio, and photographic documentation of museum exhibits, programs, and events.

Copyright 1993, The Exploratorium


The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco CA 94123