Re: pinhole How we're doing - 09/13/01

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Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 16:29:58 PDT

Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 19:29:58 EDT
Subject: Re: pinhole How we're doing - 09/13/01

Hi Marti,

I do not know if you remember me. This is Mary Fish. I was in the Web Science
Workshop at the Exploratorium a couple of years ago with you. I am responding
to your email because I am, like you, totally distraught about what happened
a couple of days ago. It has been difficult for me to teach. I usually start
my year with my 7th graders with two challenges ,the Paper Tower and the
Spaghetti Tower! So it has been weird and sad. I do not have any suggestions
about the dilemma you have. Maybe with gravity do activities dealing with
center of gravity (i.e. Balancing Stick, kids bending down to pick up a cup
without falling over, etc.) or using Space or sports as a way to talk about
velocity and accleration.
Well, I just wanted to say hi and I'm really sad too.
Take Care,

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