Re: pinhole TI Alumni Summer workshops

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From: Paula Weisman (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2000 - 22:36:09 PDT

Message-ID: <>
From: "Paula Weisman" <>
Subject: Re: pinhole TI Alumni Summer workshops
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 22:36:09 PDT

Dear Deborah,

I have forgotten the password to the TI alumni site, or to the ti site, for
that matter. I know it's simple, but.... Thanks, Paula Weisman Novato, CA
>From: Deborah Hunt <>
>Reply-To: "Pinhole Listserv" <>
>Subject: pinhole TI Alumni Summer workshops
>Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 17:23:45 -0800 (PST)
>Information on these are posted at:
>Please spread the word.
>If you know of non-TI alumni who would like to attend a TI Summer
>Institute, have them go to:
>Deborah Hunt
>Internet Resource Specialist
>3601 Lyon Street
>San Francisco, CA 94123
>Voice: 415-353-0485
>Fax: 415-561-0370
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