From: Gene Gordon (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 13:52:26 PST
Message-ID: <00df01bf887f$6d957a00$> From: "Gene Gordon" <> Subject: Laser Jell-o Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 16:52:26 -0500
Hello everyone,
Today, after a few days of setup and creating a lab from the snack "Laser Jell-o" , I had my students play (and investitgate) with lasrs and Jell-o. Just like we did in the Institute last summer. The students had a blast! Now they already had done traditional reflection and refraction labs in the previous weeks. But I can guarantee you that I did not hear the comments "This is SO COOL!!!" or "You GOTTA see this!" during my snell's law lab. I was incredibly impressed to hear the students putting together what they had previously learned with what they were seeing, and then investigating their own other scenarios.
All was great until 2/3 the way through the lab where they were supposed to take the Jello out of the pitri dishes and cut up different shape lenses. Out of 9 groups, 1 was able to get the jello out w/o the Jell-o breaking up. My question to you all is: Is there a secret to setting up the Jell-o so that it comes out of the dish w/o ripping apart? Any other suggestions would be accepted also.
And since I am currently trying to create a lab on Cow's eye disection. Does anyone have any suggestions from experience about doing a disection that I would not know from last summer's Institute or from the Exploratorium's web page?
Thanks alot (in advance)
Gene Gordon
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