From: Burt Kessler (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 18:05:22 PST
Message-Id: <a04310101b4e37aed98e6@[]> Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 18:05:22 -0800 From: Burt Kessler <> Subject: Re: pinhole color mixing
>I really like the Exploratorium's exhibit where you
>are challenged to use additive color mixing (with red,
>green, and blue) to make a color the program chooses.
>Does anyone know of a website or program that
>duplicates this exhibit?
I have created a 2 day lesson that explores color mixing using the
color picker in Netscape. This same color picker is available in
some older Mac OS. It can also be found in any web page building
application. To mimic the color matching aspect of the exhibit, I
have students make predictions, and in one part I cover the color on
the screen with a Post-It. I have attached my lesson plan complete
with student data tables. It is a Word document. If you have
trouble opening it, let me know and I can send it in another form.
Burt Kessler
-- The secret in education lies in respecting the student. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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