From: Steven Eiger (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 10:10:38 PST
Message-Id: <l03102802b4b395973fa0@[]> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:10:38 -0700 From: Steven Eiger <> Subject: Re: pinhole diesel and menstruation
>2. Is there any sort of scientific explanation for why women's menstrual
>cycles often line up with lunar cycles?
I wasn't aware of this. Someone should calculate the percentage of females
who ought to experience the above, since the frequencies are close. It is
a claculation I can not do, too complex for me. If something turns up
unexpected then a scientific explanation perhaps should be pursued. It is
known that women in close quarters often begin coordinating cycles, and
that is believed related to pheremones. eiger
Steven Eiger, Ph.D.
Departments of Biology and the WWAMI Medical Education Program
Montana State University - Bozeman
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460
Voice: (406) 994-5672
FAX: (406) 994-3190
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