From: Karen Kalumuck (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 12:53:17 PST
Message-Id: <v01540b00b486ea8aad18@[]> Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 12:53:17 -0800 From: (Karen Kalumuck) Subject: Fellowship Opportunity
> Albert Einstein Fellowship: Where Classroom Practice Informs Policy.
> Apply to spend a year in our nation's capital as an Albert Einstein
> Distinguished Educator Fellow, an opportunity for elementary and
> secondary
> science and math teachers, enacted by Congress and funded by the
> Department
> of Energy Office of Science, with participation from NASA, the National
> Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. Minimum
> qualifications include: five years of classroom experience, currently
> teaching full time, US citizenship, and a letter of support from a
> current
> administrator. Selection is based on excellence in K12 mathematics or
> science teaching, demonstrated leadership, knowledge of national, state
> and
> local education policies, and communication and interpersonal skills.
> The
> application process opens on December 15, 1999 and closes on February
> 25,
> 2000. A description of this program and an online application can be
> found
> at the following web site: <>. Additional
> information about the program can be found at
> <>.
> *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> ***
> 2000 Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowships
> Administered by the U.S. Department of Energy
> Albert Einstein Fellowship: Where Classroom Practice Informs Policy.
> Apply
> to spend a year in our nation's capital as an Albert Einstein
> Distinguished
> Educator Fellow, an opportunity for elementary and secondary science and
> math teachers, enacted by Congress and funded by the Department of
> Energy
> Office of Science, with participation from NASA, the National Science
> Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health.
> The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Act was signed
> into
> law in November 1994. The law gives the Department of Energy
> responsibility for administering the program of distinguished educator
> fellowships for elementary and secondary school mathematics and science
> teachers. Selected teachers spend up to one year in a Congressional
> Office, the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Science Foundation
> (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the
> National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Education (ED),
> or
> the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The
> Fellows provide their educational expertise, years of experience and
> personal insights to these offices.
> Some of the outstanding contributions of Einstein Fellows have included:
> * Drafting legislation and influencing policy that seek to improve K16
> education in the United States;
> * Initiating collaborations and establishing partnerships between
> federal
> agencies;
> * Designing and implementing national science, math, and technology
> education programs;
> * Creating Webbased science education programs; and
> * Establishing and evaluating national and regional programs centered on
> school reform and teacher preparation in science, mathematics and
> technology.
> The Department of Energy Office of Science has authorized the Triangle
> Coalition for Science and Technology Education to assist in the
> administration of the Einstein Fellowship program. The Triangle
> Coalition
> in coordination with the Office of Science handles the recruitment of
> teachers, the application process, the selection process, and the
> placement
> and orientation of the Fellows. The Triangle Coalition will regularly
> monitor and evaluate the quality of experiences the Fellows are
> receiving
> in their respective positions. Information about the current Fellows,
> their duties and daytoday activities can be found at the Triangle
> Coalition
> web site: <>.
> * Fellows receive a compensation of $4,500 a month.
> * In addition, moving expenses to and from Washington, D.C. are
> available.
> * Travel and lodging allowance is provided to each Fellow for attending
> professional meetings during the term of the fellowship.
> ELIGIBILITY: Each applicant must meet the following criteria:
> * Be a U.S. citizen at the time of selection;
> * Have a minimum of five years fulltime classroom teaching experience;
> * Be teaching full time in a public or private elementary or secondary
> school;
> * Have a current teaching assignment with at least 3/4 of classroom
> contact
> hours in science, mathematics, and/or technology (applies to secondary
> school teachers only); and
> * Provide a recommendation from a current school administrator and two
> additional recommendations.
> SELECTION CRITERIA: Fellowship selections are based on evidence of:
> * Excellence in teaching science, mathematics or technology;
> * An experimental and innovative attitude in their approach to teaching;
> * Sustained professional growth in science or mathematics and in the art
> of
> teaching;
> * Professional involvement and leadership;
> * Interpersonal and communication skills needed to serve in a public
> policy
> environment; and
> * Knowledge of national, state and local policies which affect
> education.
> DURATION OF FELLOWSHIP: Einstein Fellows usually serve from eight to
> twelve
> months in professional staff positions in the U.S. Senate or House of
> Representatives, DOE, NASA, NSF, NIH, ED, or OSTP.
> APPLICATIONS: Applications for the Albert Einstein Distinguished
> Educator
> must be submitted online through the Department of Energy's Webpage
> dedicated to the Fellows program. The application process opens on
> December 15, 1999 and closes February 25, 2000. Fellowships will begin
> in
> August or September of 2000. Access the electronic application Web site
> at: <>.
> If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this
> application or the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship
> Program, contact Peter Faletra at (202) 586-6549 or via Email to
> or Cindy Musick at (202) 586-0987 or via
> Email to
> --
> Mike Smith, Director of Education
> American Geological Institute, 4220 King Street, Alexandria, VA
> 22302-1502
> Phone: 703-379-2480 FAX: 703-379-7563 Email:
> EarthComm Home Page:
--Karen E. Kalumuck, Ph.D. Biologist Exploratorium Teacher Institute 3601 Lyon St. San Francisco, CA 94123 415-561-0313
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