From: Lori Lambertson (
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 10:14:11 PST
Message-Id: <l03110701b47ae58d599c@[]> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:14:11 -0800 From: Lori Lambertson <> Subject: math challenge
Hello Pinhole Friends,
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) is launching a
mathematics awareness campaign called "Figure This" this month.
Challenging problems (designed for middle school level students and their
families to work at home) can be downloaded or are available in print from:
OR to request print, call 1 (800) GO SOLVE
The National Science Foundation and the US Dept. of Education are funding
this campaign. NCTM, the National Action Council for Minorities in
Engineering (NACME) and the Widmeyer-Baker Group were awarded grants to
develop this campaign. Each problem will include a description of the math
needed to solve it, where those skills are needed in other aspects of real
life, hints on how to get started, the complete solution, and extensions.
Over the next two years, 80 challenges will be developed. Teachers are
encouraged to promote this public awareness of mathematics!
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