From: Deborah Hunt (
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 12:05:49 PDT
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 12:05:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Deborah Hunt <> Subject: Teaching cognitive science (fwd) Message-ID: <Pine.GSU.4.10.9910211205020.8221-100000@isaac>
Dear Pinholers,
Thought the message below might interest you.
Deborah Hunt
Internet Resource Specialist
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Voice: 415-353-0485
Fax: 415-561-0370
I've just received from the American Psychological Association a draft of
their standards for high school psychology. The final version will be out
soon and will be on the Web at
These standards are meant as a guideline "to encourage excellence in high
school psychology programs," not as rules or a course outline. They are
divided into four domains: Biopsychological Domain (Biological Bases of
Behavior, Sensation and Perception, Motivation and Emotion, and Stress,
Coping, and Health), Developmental Domain (Lifespan Development), Cognitive
Domain (Learning, Memory, Thinking and Language, and States of
Consciousness), and Sociocultural Domain (Individual Differences,
Personality and Assessment, Psychological Disorders, Treatment of
Psychological Disorders, and Social and Cultural Dimensions of Behavior).
The APA also sent me several unit plans with activities for teaching
psychology in the secondary schools, which cover most of the above topics.
These are now in a pink notebook in my office, available for your perusal.
I haven't read through them, but they should at least help science teachers
who haven't focused much on psychology get a sense of what's out there.
So my current agenda is to raise the general Exploratorium awareness of
resources in this area. If you know of other such resources, could you let
me know?
Michael Pearce
The Exploratorium
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: (415) 561-0306
FAX: (415) 561-0370
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