From: The Lahrs (
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 08:16:19 PDT
Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:16:19 -0600 From: The Lahrs <> Subject: Re: Colour change
This is "out of the blue," so to speak, no pun intended, but I
though this exchange on the color of materials would be interesting
to post. It's from the that is run by
Bill Beaty. If you haven't seen his web site, it's worth a look:
The answer below is to the question, why do some materials change
color when being ironed, and then change back when cool again.
>Return-Path: <>
>Resent-Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:38:21 -0700
>Subject: Re: Colour change
>Yes, Theresa, there is an explanation. I was sort of hoping some kindly
>retired dye chemist would be reading this list and enlighten us. Since that
>hasn't happened yet, I'll have a stab at it.
>The part of a dye molecule that gives it its color is called the
>chromophore. Everyone is familiar with the ball-and-stick molecule model.
>In this case, it is useful to replace the sticks with springs to
>conceptualize the mechanism at work here. Most of the "springs" will be
>short and these represent electrons tightly held in covalent bonds. Some
>electrons are held in unsaturated bonds associated with more than one atom
>and these could be thought of as longer, floppier springs. These are the
>chromophores. Now think of picking up this absurd molecule model and
>shaking it. The long spring will resonate with a slower rate of shaking,
>which represents the frequency of visible light. In the actual molecule,
>the light waves which resonate with the chromophore are absorbed into the
>molecule and are distributed as random agitation, in other words, heat.
>Now imagine your molecule model as having a greatly increased amount of
>random agitation not caused by by chromophore absorbtion. This would be
>analogous to heating up the actual molecule. As you can imagine, this could
>lead to one or more effects. Depending on the particular dye and the cloth
>or other subtance it is contained in, it could shift the absorbtion toward
>the red end of the spectrum or broaden the absorption or both. Since we see
>the colors which are not absorbed, this would have the effect of making your
>red dye color change to orange or even yellow. Curiously, if the color is a
>deep blue, the color might change in either direction, depending on whether
>the broadening of the absorption or the red shift is the dominant factor.
>In other words the blue colored fabric might tend toward the green or become
>a deeper blue. With a yellow dye, the effect would probably not be
>This whole thing gets even more complicated with the introduction of other
>atoms and radicals called auxochromes.
>These resonating structures are tacked onto the molecule to modify the
>behavior of the chromophore, but I think you get the general idea.
>I hope someone who knows more about this can explain it more clearly, but
>for now, you're kind of stuck with my effort. .
>When I was a little boy, fluorescent colored nylon shirts were popular for
>children. (Kind of dates me, doesn't it?) When my mother first ironed one,
>I was watching because I was anxious put on my new day-glo pink shirt. The
>thing changed color to the most ghastly shade of chartreuse you can imagine.
>I was horrified. I thought my shirt was ruined. It took an amazingly long
>time to return to its orignal color after ironing. These shirts were so
>sensitive to temperature changes you could see noticeable color shifts on a
>hot day. Anyone else remember these things?
>Personally, I prefer the French spelling, couleur, more classy, don't you
John C. Lahr
1925 Foothills Road
Golden, CO 80402
(303) 215-9913
I am only one, But still I am one.
I cannot do everything, and because I cannot
do everything, I will not refuse
to do the something that I can do.
Edward Everette Hale
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