Remote Lights

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From: John Merrill (
Date: Sat Sep 04 1999 - 11:46:39 PDT

Message-ID: <>
From: "John Merrill" <>
Subject: Remote Lights
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 11:46:39 PDT

        Does any one know how I could easily modify my classroom lights to turn off
and on remotely? Anything commercial out there? I'd hate to spend valuable
time re-inventing a cheap product already available. I teach physics and
many times I need to turn the lights off or on for a demo or an experiment.
I have no windows so the room goes black which is useful for many
        My current ideas center around jury-rigging another remote system, like car
alarm, auto lock, ceiling fan, etc. which should work, though perhaps
somewhat clumsily.
        Any references or ideas?
        Tim Merrill

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